Thursday, February 28, 2013

Canning Salmon

Just a quick note:

I will be home canning salmon this weekend and will post later to let you know how it turned out.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Home canning carrots


I just finished canning 3 pounds of carrots.  I used the raw pack method which is how I usually can vegetables.
Raw pack simply means that the vegetables are packed in the jars without heating first.  You then pour boiling water over them to fill the jars.  There are some draw backs to home canning vegetables using the raw pack method.  As you can see in the photo, I have lost half of my liquid!  That's the draw back.

If the food is too cold when packing, you could loose liquid.  This can happen with many other foods also.

I have posted a step by step tutorial video on home canning carrots, check it out at all things canning.  Look in the side bar under video spotlight.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Ready to Run!!

My website is up and running! Please stop by and check it.  I will be adding to it frequently, so come back often to see whats new.

all things canning

Monday, February 11, 2013

Apple Pie Filling

I have always loved the pie filling in the can.  I could sit and eat the whole thing!  Yesterday I made my own.  I bought a large can of clear gel, it is a thickening agent used in canning, peeled and sliced my apples and I was ready to go.

The entire process was very easy.  I have included a few pictures below but, as the cooking process went on things began to move faster.  I wasn't able to get all the pictures I wanted.

As I was cooking the clear gel mixture, It started to clump up like flour does if it doesn't get mixed right in gravy.  I thought that I had ruined it but it ended up smoothing out and looking awesome.  Later, I read the back of the can of clear gel and it said that would happen!  I guess I should have read it to begin with.

The pie filling is yummy and I can't wait to make more!
Blanching the apples in boiling water for 1 minute

sugar, clear gel and spice mixture

mixture above cooking with apple juice and lemon juice

The final product! Can't wait to make a pie!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

all things canning Website update

I just wanted to let you know how my website is coming along.  I've loaded it with lots of great information to help you get started with canning.  I am working on videos with step by step information to guide you along the way.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Calling all canners!!!

Have you ever wanted to try canning your own produce, meats or soups? It is very easy to learn and lots of fun doing it!

I am working on my website all things canning.  I hope to have it published soon.  There will be lots of information, step by step instructions, pictures and videos to guide you through the canning process.

I will let you know how the website is coming along.  Stay tuned for great things!
